
How to change the maximum player count on your Minecraft Server Print

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UltraPlex Tutorials - Skill Level: Beginner

How to change the maximum player count on your Minecraft Server

What are the pros and cons to having a large maximum player count on your Minecraft Server?

PROS: Having a large maximum player count allows for more players to be on your Minecraft Server at a time which can ensure a much more fun and social experience for your players.

CONS: Having lots of players at a time on your Minecraft Server can cause lag and stress out your server CPU.


How to change the maximum player count on your Minecraft Server.

This tutorial was made for UltraPlex servers and while it may work on other hosts it also may not. This tutorial should work for all Paper Minecraft Servers.

1. Open your game panel and go to the file managers tab.

2. Open the file located in the file manager.

4. Use CTRL+F or whatever your find shortcut is and type to find the phrase "max-players".

5. Once you find the setting for maximum players it should be set to 20 by default, you can change this to whatever you want.

6. Click save or save the file somehow and you can close the file manager.

7. Restart your server.

You now successfully changed your Minecraft Servers player count.

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