UltraPlex Extra Features

Published: 2024-06-07
UltraPlex Server Hosting has many extra special features to help clients run their projects better and faster.

UltraPlex SFTP Access:
Clients have full SFTP access which means they can access their server files on any file manager client of their choice such as FileZilla
UltraPlex Automated Tasks:
There is a built in feature for clients to setup automated tasks such as commands, server restarts, etc on their server. For example someone can have their server restart everyday at 3PM.
UltraPlex Subuser Manager:
There is also a built in feature for clients to give full or partial access of their server to any email address of their choice. For example someone can give their friend only access to turn on or off their server but not access to edit files or run commands.
UltraPlex Activity Manager:
Clients can view all activity from themselfs or their subusers to ensure nobody is doing anything on their server without their permission. This is great for preventing server operators from abusing their power.
UltraPlex Port Manager:
Clients can view or manage their server ports if they request to have an extra port on their server. This is good for people who have server networks and need extra port configuration.
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